Parent Testimonials

What I like best about a Waldorf education is that it integrates a spiritual connection with the natural world and teaches children how to express this through music, art, science, stories, as well as reading, writing and arithmetic. My son Hoku was not thriving in a regular classroom environment and we wanted an environment where he could explore deeply and fully his varied interests, while being challenged academically in a hands-on way. I feel we as a family, and especially Hoku, are unbelievably blessed to have found Monika and Grady’s Waldorf school. Hoku, went from being bored and disengaged about learning in regular school to bright-eyed and fully inspired as soon as he began at Keystone Homeschool. He came home the first day to announce ” this is the best school ever!” He wakes up in the morning and can’t wait to go to school. Now that’s real change! I would recommend this type of education to families who would like to see their children grow up to be well- rounded adults who are life-long learners. I say this because I have met a number of college students who were educated in Waldorf schools who impressed me by their brilliant and creative minds. This, together with a readiness to accept challenges and continue to move forward in life with inspiration, are, to me, the keystones of a full and happy life. Liza Franzoni, Son age 12

At Keystone Homeschool, our daughter Kia’i stepped into a rich environment filled with story and art, language and science, questions and community. In the last year that she’s studied with Grady, we’ve seen her imagination and curiosity flourish and her discipline and zest for learning renewed. She jumps out of bed for school every morning and we are thankful that we are able to provide her with a local alternative education that is both nurturing and challenging. Sally Lundburg & Keith Tallett, Daughter age 12

In these troubled times there comes a choice rooted in faith and nourished by love bringing into existence the fruits of one’s labor. From where I am looking, this choice is education while the school, home, and community compose where the roots grow. The fruits show what the roots have gathered in their struggle for survival. Our son continues to bring home a love for creation, a joy in learning, a peace in being, and a tenacity for gathering wisdom, now in his second year at Keystone Home School. His heartfelt investment in his schoolwork amazes me as he simultaneously handles school with an attitude of grace and ease while meeting his grade requirements at the top. With much gratitude for Monika and Grady for their dedication to much needed educational reform, for us the choice is clear. Mary Brown, Son age 10

When we adopted our daughter she was 8 and having a very difficult time in public school. Regardless of special classes, tutoring and communication between home and teachers, she couldn’t succeed in the environment of crowded classes and bullying. We saw an immediate change beginning the very first day at Keystone Waldorf because she felt safe, nurtured and accepted. What has been stunning to see is this little girl loving school every day and succeeding beyond our wildest dreams. The hands-on involvement with art, music, theater, nature, woodworking, and animals makes the learning a natural, whole-brain approach that takes the whole child into consideration. Even for a child with special challenges, Waldorf learning experiences are what they can relate to, care about, and truly enjoy. Monika and Grady are skilled, conscientious and loving—they really embody the spirit of Waldorf. I wish every child could experience this kind of school.
Joyce Marvel-Benoist, Daughter age 14

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